About Valley Leadership
Our Mission
Valley Leadership empowers, leverages and mobilizes leaders to meaningfully impact the most pressing issues facing Arizona.
Our Vision
A broad spectrum of Arizonans working together to impact the issues that matter most, setting the example on leadership.
At our core, Valley Leadership builds community. We do that by empowering a broad spectrum of Arizonans to lead through our programming and activating them to make a difference on our state’s most pressing issues through our Impact Maker.
Principles of Doing
Our principles draw on the actions and values of the people who have made the greatest impact on our state throughout our history. Always with an eye toward action, they are the foundation for how we train and empower people, interact with the community and execute our Impact Maker work.

Leadership is engaging other perspectives with respect, taking responsibility for one's own beliefs, actions, and biases and giving others the space to do the same. Value information, facts and critical thinking. Examine your own biases when challenged (you may not always be right).

Team Mindset
Leadership is committing to the team’s success and caring more about getting things done than who gets credit.

Building Trust
Leadership is taking pride in building a culture that fosters relationships, trust, and civility in order to find common ground. Be open to compromise and willing to listen to other points of view. Mutually respect one another. Have the conversation at the table.

Arizona First
Leadership is approaching issues from a standpoint of what is best for Arizona, not settling for a quick fix or what is best for a political party or individual ambition. Shared responsibility across many different backgrounds and interests is critical to long-term impact.

Driven to Do
Leadership is setting the example on doing: starting with the outcome in mind and working together to get there. Always be ready to do something. Focus on what can be done now, big or small.
Our Values
How we lead – and how we empower others – is rooted in our values.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Valley Leadership believes diversity, equity and inclusion create an environment that respects and values individual differences along varying dimensions. We value the person, any person, committed to leading Arizona forward.
Arizona’s can-do-attitude can solve anything. We continually look to our history to inspire and move us toward Arizona’s next big thing.
We can’t do it alone. Valley Leadership values partnerships and understands real impact is only made together.
With our network of leaders, it’s hard not to have fun! We value the social capital that comes with having fun and building relationships.