Nominations for 72nd Man & Woman of the Year Open Until Aug. 31
Leadership fuels actions that leads to big changes in our community. We’re inspired by the journeys of people who are committed to making Arizona stronger – you can help us select and celebrate them all year long with the return of the 72nd Man & Woman of the Year Awards.
Valley Leadership is calling on its network – those working and leading across Arizona – to nominate outstanding men and women who have a commitment to Arizona and a track record of impact in the community, particularly on our most pressing community issues: child well-being, Covid-19 response, education, the environment, health, jobs and the economy or racial justice.
We’re looking for exceptional Arizonans who lead with our Principles of Doing by acting with integrity, building trust with others, operating with a team mindset, being driven to act – and getting results – and always putting the needs of all Arizonans first. Know a great leader? Nominate them by Aug. 31!
Celebrate the 72nd Man & Woman of the Year all year long!
The VL family will get to welcome, celebrate and engage with our 72nd Man & Woman of the Year throughout the year. The honorees will be announced in September and will receive their awards at an intimate reception on Nov. 16. They will also be on hand to connect with VL alums and discuss community impact as part of a VL alumni reunion event and reception on April 21 – mark your calendars now!
The History and Future of Man & Woman of the Year
Man of the Year was launched by the Ad Association of Arizona in 1949, followed by the launch of Woman of the Year in 1951, with the drive to honor those among us who make a difference and are the instruments of progress, goodness and service to others. The association transitioned the awards to Valley Leadership, which continues to recognize Arizonans’ long-term contributions and commitment to our community. In 2019, the Person of the Decade was launched to recognize other once-in-a-decade-leaders and ‘doers’ whose grit and determination in taking on and solving Arizona’s most pressing issues mirror Valley Leadership’s five principles of doing and commitment to cultivating leaders who work to get things done civilly.
As we continue our Pivot towards Impact, we’re focused on celebrating the work of Arizonans who are making a difference. We’re seeking nominees who are making an impact in Arizona and who lead with our Principles of Doing, regardless of the length of their experience working in the community.