$100,000 MolinaCares Accord Grant Creates New Partnership with Valley Leadership in Support of Re-Entry Focused Employment Programs in Arizona
The MolinaCares Accord (“MolinaCares”), in collaboration with Molina Complete Care of Arizona, and Valley Leadership are launching a new Impact Maker team tasked with encouraging private sector employers in Arizona to remove barriers to employment for historically marginalized populations, including Medicaid recipients and the formerly incarcerated.
Building stronger communities is our mission. Every person wants the dignity of successful work, but the challenge is more difficult for those who are attempting to re-enter society following incarceration. The MolinaCares partnership with Valley Leadership is focused on fighting that stigma, allowing Arizonans to grow through positive workforce achievement, and we look forward to working with them to make an impact on the community.
Carolyn Ingram, Executive Director of The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation
Arizona’s three-year return-to-prison rate is approximately 40%, but this rate can be reduced when formerly incarcerated individuals find gainful employment. The MolinaCares grant will fund creation of an employer resource toolkit on inclusive hiring criteria. The Impact Team will engage with hundreds of Arizona companies about changes they can make to their hiring practices. Companies completing the program will be recognized for making an impact based on positive qualitative and quantitative criteria.
We are so appreciative of MolinaCares for its generous donation. This grant will make a significant impact on our workforce development efforts to build an inclusive economy where all Arizonans can prosper.
Dave Brown, CEO of Valley Leadership
About The MolinaCares Accord
Established by Molina Healthcare, Inc., The MolinaCares Accord oversees a community investment platform created to improve the health and well-being of disadvantaged populations by funding meaningful, measurable, and innovative programs and solutions that improve health, life, and living in local communities. The MolinaCares Accord funds such measures through The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation, a 501(c)(3) established in 2020 by Molina Healthcare, Inc.