Valley Leadership Opens Applications for Institute Class 40 and Accelerate 2018

March 21, 2018
News and Announcements

Valley Leadership (VL) has opened applications for its flagship program Valley Leadership Institute (VLI), which is in its 40th Class, and Valley Leadership Accelerate (VLA), which is in its fourth year.

VLI will dive deeper into the most pressing issues facing Arizona and empower participants to have a meaningful impact on those issues. Each year, approximately 50 members are selected for this nine-month Valley Leadership Institute (VLI) program.

VLA will draw on the expertise of the state’s most respected and influential business, civic and community leaders, to inform participants about Arizona’s most timely topics and connect them with the people and organizations that are tackling those concerns.

“I am excited to start recruiting for our next year of programming. Our cohorts next year will be among the first to experience some of the changes from our newly adopted strategic plan,” says Dave Brown, VL CEO. “I hope those who are interested in making a bigger impact on the most-pressing issues facing our community consider applying for either one of these great programs.”

“VLI Class 40 and VLA 2018 mark a step forward for VL,” says Sarah Krahenbuhl, VL board chair. “I would encourage anyone to apply who is open to playing a deeper role in tackling the challenges and finding the opportunities for Arizona.”

Applications for both programs can be found on the Valley Leadership website. The deadline to apply is Monday, May 28, 2018. Valley Leadership will host two recruitment events for those interested in applying. The first event is on Wednesday, April 17 at 4 p.m. and the second is on Tuesday, May 8 at 11 a.m. More details about these events can be found on the Valley Leadership website.

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Apply Today: Explore Class 4

Applications for Explore Class 4 are now open! If you’re a VL alumni who is ready to step out of your comfort zone and travel to different communities across Arizona, we encourage you to apply today!